Documentation Tutorial ====================== This tutorial shows how to generate the documentation you are seeing right now using sphinx and its extensions. Building the base docs ---------------------- To create the base of the docs you need to create the ``docs`` folder and run ``sphinx-quickstart`` in it. **NOTE**: During the process, you will be asked if you want to have separate ``/docs/source`` and ``/docs/build`` folders. In my case I did **not** use separate folders. I wanted to have all the files directly in the ``/docs`` folder and have the builded html files in the ``/build`` folder **outside** of ``/docs``. (I'm considering as ``/`` the root of this project). Basic configuration ------------------- Makefile ````````` In order to build the docs in the ``build`` folder as I specified before, modify the ``Makefile`` with the following:: BUILDDIR = ../build/docs **TIP**: In some cases, I have noticed that the docs were not updated correctly so I also added an ``rm`` to the make first:: %: Makefile if [ -d "$(BUILDDIR)" ]; then rm -R "$(BUILDDIR)"; fi @$(SPHINXBUILD) -M $@ "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O) Now, you will be able to run ``make html`` in the ``docs`` folder and get your docs in ``build/html```. Congratulations! (Open the file ``build/html/index.html`` to see them). ``````` Edit the ``docs/`` and configure the following that you are interested in. To be able to get the ``__author__``, ``__version__``, etc. directly from the package, add:: import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) **NOTE**: notice that depending on where your package sources are located, you might need to point to a different place instead of ``'..'``. This way you will be able to do something like this (after those lines):: from helloworld import __author__, __version__ author = __author__ version = __version__ In order to change the theme to the ReadTheDocs theme, add the line:: html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' TOC tree and adding a page -------------------------- To create a table of contents referencing the pages ``docs/api/module1.rst`` and ``docs/api/module1.rst`` use:: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: API api/module1 api/module2 The ``toctree``-s you define in ``index.rst`` will fill up the left sidebar. But, if you don't want them to be shown in the ``index``'s content, you can addthe option ``:hidden:``. **TIP**: if you want to automatically include all `.rst` files in a folder, do: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: API :glob: api/* Autodocumentation ----------------- In order to create the automatic documentation using the ``docstrings`` from the code, you will need to add some extensions to sphinx. I have based my structure on ``pytorch`` and ``pytorch-lightning``'s docs. But, I hope that the notions written here allow customizing your docs in any way you want. Configuration ````````````` Edit the ``docs/`` with the following changes. Add the following extensions:: extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.autosummary', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon' ] Brief explanation: - ``sphinx.ext.autodoc``: allows creating the docs based on the docstrings from the code. - ``sphinx.ext.autosummary``: allows creating concise content summary tables and link them to automatically generated `.rst` files for the modules, classes, functions etc. - ``sphinx.ext.viewcode``: creates a link to a view of the code. - ``sphinx.ext.napoleon``: allows using `Google Style `_ docstrings. **Autodoc configuration**: add these configurations to generate the automatic documentation as in this docs:: autodoc_default_options = { 'members': True, 'undoc-members': True, 'methods': True, 'special-members': '__call__', 'exclude-members': '_abc_impl', 'show-inheritance': True, } You can play around with the options. Find the rest of the options `here `_. **Autosummary configuration**: add the following lines to generate the ``autosummary`` files automatically and not overwrite them in each build (I personally want the last one disabled in case I add some extra explanations):: autosummary_generate = True autosummary_generate_overwrite = False Documenting the code ```````````````````` Now you will have to document your code using Google Style docstrings. However, as we have set ``'undoc-members': True`` in the ``autodoc`` options, you will be able to see changes even if you skip this step for now. Creating the .rst files ``````````````````````` Now you will have to tell ``autodoc`` and ``autosummary`` where and how to work. This exact documentation is organized with ``.rst`` pages for each of the main modules and packages following ``pytorch``'s documentation's structure idea. Feel free to explore this documentation's code or any other one you like. In this section, you will find the basics of how they work. If you would like to create them automatically, you can run (in the ``/docs`` folder): .. code-block:: bash sphinx-apidoc -o api/ ../helloworld This will generate the base API ``.rst`` files in ``/docs/api`` using the docstrings in the sources found in ``/helloworld``. You can safely run this command even if some of the ``.rst`` have been created, because they will not be overwritten. However, I personally prefer to write them manually using the following directives. Check this package's api ``.rst`` files to see an example. **Autodoc**: writing a directive like:: .. automodule:: helloworld will generate all the automatic documentation of the referenced module, package, function, etc. like: .. raw:: html

Say hello to the world or someone.


name (str) – who you want to greet. If None it will greet the world.


A string with the greeting.

**Autosummary**: writing a directive like:: \.. autosummary:: :toctree: ./generated module1 module2 # NOTE: do not write the directive with \, I had to write it to escape it for this tutorial. .. todo:: fix this. will: - Generate a summary table like the following: .. raw:: html


Module 1.


Module 2.

- Will generate ``.rst`` pages for each of them in the folder``./generated``. - The generated pages will have another ``autosummary`` and ``automodule`` directives. - And will link them from the summary table. Extras ------ Some extra possibilities you might find interesting to explore: - You can modify the templates used for generating the ``autosummary`` based files. Find the originals in the `sphinx repo `_ and place your modificated ones in ``docs/_templates/autosummary/`` with the same name than originals. References ---------- - Autodocumenting your Python code with Sphinx (Roman Miroshnychenko): `part1 `_ `part2 `_ - `Read The Docs `_ - Sphinx Docs: `restructuredtext `_ - Sphinx Docs: `autosummary `_ - Sphinx Docs: `autodoc `_ - `PyTorch `_ - `PyTorch Lightning `_